Rising Sea Levels Signals Need for US State and Local Governments to Address Growing Climate Risks: Moody’s September 17, 2020 "Rising sea levels pose increasing credit risks for many US coastal state and local governments, with more frequent and severe flooding from high tides and storm surges from major weather events threatening economies, property values and critical infrastructure. While the federal government and many state and local governments have already taken steps to address these challenges, further investment in adaption and coordinated responses likely will be needed over the next several decades. Economic weakening, higher maintenance costs and lost tax revenue are particular credit risks for state and local governments over a multi-decade horizon." - Moody's Investors Service Share: LinkedIn Older Post Managing Climate Risk in the U.S. Financial System: Commodity Futures Trading Commission Newer Post Within 20 Years, Rising Sea Levels Will Hit Nearly Every Coastal County—and Their Bonds: MarketWatch