Addressing Climate as a Systemic Risk, a call to action for U.S. financial regulators: Ceres June 1, 2020 This Ceres report "outlines how and why U.S. financial regulators, who are responsible for protecting the stability and competitiveness of the U.S. economy, need to recognize and act on climate change as a systemic risk and providing more than 50 recommendations for key financial regulators to adopt. "Given the ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of financial regulators is more prominent than ever. While financial regulators are taking critical actions to support the U.S. economy in response to this immediate crisis, it is imperative that their efforts do not inadvertently worsen the impacts of climate change." - Ceres Share: LinkedIn Older Post Banks to Take Climate Change into Account in Lending: Bloomberg Newer Post Global Increase in Major Tropical Cyclone Exceedance Probability over the Past Four Decades